Sponsors of the Conference

The VIII Conference Towards Sustainable Transport will be held on November 2-3, 2023 in Zlatibor, at the Hotel Mona Plaza Zlatibor.

The organizer of the Conference is the Transport and Logistics Managers Association TRANSPORTLOG, and the executive organizer is Intico Ltd.

The Conference is a unique place to present your company to potential clients in the best possible way. As a sponsor or partner of the Conference, you have the opportunity to focus on your professional solutions, products, products and services, making direct and direct contacts with all relevant stakeholders for your business. The level of exclusivity of the company's presentation is made possible through sponsorship packages.

Download an overview of sponsorship packages.

Overview of sponsorship packages [PDF]

General sponsor

Golden Sponsor

Golden Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronse Sponsor

Conference Partners

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